Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A "boring" day :-)

Ok...it's Grammie Sue again tonight. Stef and Will had to head back to Chicago for work, Grandpa Ken had to head back home, so he could get to some business obligations, Clayton and Mom Hutchinson are taking tonight's watch over the babies at the hospital, Kendra is snug and sleeping in bed, so that leaves-ME to blog. I asked both Kendra and Stef what to blog today and they said nothing really eventful happened, so maybe we don't need to blog. I know there are people that want to know how Kendra, CJ and Keagan are doing, so I will give you a quick rundown of the day. I think the morning looked a little like a TV medical show...picture your favorite one and it should do the trick. We (Kendra, Clayton, Mom Hutch, Stef, Will, Ken and I) got to participate in the doctor's rounds with both the babies. That means there were about 14 people crammed into Keagan's room for a rundown of all her vitals and what is going on with her. It was very interesting and the neonatal doctor is fantastic. He is bright, personable and has a sense of humor to boot. What more could we ask? After the briefing on Keagan, they stayed put and just brought in CJ's nurse-the rest of the team is the same. They made some adjustments to what each of the babies are getting/doing and gave us an opportunity to ask any questions we may have. The babies are both stable and there are some things that need tweaking, but all-in-all they are feisty and holding their own considering everything. We were told we need to look at "chunks of time" and the goals that get achieved during those, rather than the day-to-day highs and lows of each little thing that occurs. There are some big tests coming up on Thursday that will check for blood pooling/leaking in the brain. It sounds scary and it can be, but it is also very common in preemies. They grade this on a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 being the most severe and could lead to some long term complications. So if you are following the blog and are praying for these babies-the SPECIFIC prayer request for today would be that there is no sign of bleeding in either CJ or Keagan's brains and that all other tests are within normal limits. Thank you so much!! Now to Kendra...she continues to heal and get stronger. She is using the breast pump and having some amazing success, so the babies will eventually be able to get her saved breast milk. I did get to change a diaper this evening with great success :-) (we were told we need to take one of these itty bitty (clean) diapers for the scrapbook). The diapers are tiny the way they are, but we have to fold both the front and back over additionally, in order for the diaper to fit either CJ or Keagan. I hopefully will be able to take a couple more pictures of Keagan and CJ and post them tomorrow, but for now I am signing off for the day. Once again, thanks for your interest and your prayers for our family.


  1. Congratulations to all of you. Wishing Kendra and those babies nothing but the best. I can only imagine how small they are since I've never had a baby under 7lbs.:) Breathing on their own, feeding and temp. regulation will all come in due time - thinking of you all and I hope those tests come back OK - praying for those adorable babies. I saw the announcement on Facebook and just had to check out the blog - I'll enjoy reading your up-to-date posts. Glad Kendra is getting some rest, very important. Good Luck with everything - Melissa

  2. An uneventful day is the best day to have when you're in the NICU... hoping for low numbers!!! Tell Kendra Sofi and I love her! :)

  3. Our prayers r with u all. We are so glad
    To get Ur updates! Congratulations ! We will check
    In daily. Aunt Barb & Cousin Karen

  4. Hey Ryl Clan! I'm so glad for an uneventful day. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you. My kids love seeing the pictures of the babies and also pray for your babies. God bless each of you.
    All my love,

  5. This blog is wonderful! Thank you for all the sharing so we feel part of what is happening! We love you and pray for each of you, but especially for those 2 little ones!! Debbie (and Dave)

  6. Sue,

    Thanks for the blog...glad to hear Kendra is doing good and babies are "feisty" that's a good thing. Please tell Kendra and Clayton that we have lots of babies and older kiddos at our school that were itsy bitsy preemies and they are now doing great...no one would know now they were born so young. We keep all of you in our thoughts and continue to look forward to reading of their progress...
