Friday, March 25, 2011

Keagan with Clayton's wedding ring on her arm

Keagan holding Kendra's hand

CJ with Clayton's wedding ring next to ear

The proud parents & CJ's incubator

Kendra's hand next to CJ
Head ultrasound(s) result(s):

A lot of you have been waiting to get updates on CJ and Keagan's head ultrasounds, and we apologize for how long it has taken.  The NICU has a way of making the day seem shorter.

The good news is that nothing has changed.  Both of them are stable and the doctors have not seen any progression of their conditions.  However, each of them have areas of concern that the doctors will continue to keep an eye on.  At this point in time, they are just too young to know what the ultrasound results really "mean."  Being assigned a "grade" by the doctor, or having the doctor identify a particular area of concern doesn't define these little guys.  The results are what they are, and we will take both of them for what they are, our kids.  Tiny, amazing little people who have our hearts.

Keagan has a lower (lower being better) overall "grade" than her brother, but the doctors have identified a small area of concern that they will continue to monitor.  While CJ has a slightly higher "grade," it is confined to one side of his head and he is otherwise good.  The brain bleeding is extremely, extremely scary.  However, this is just a part of raising preemie kids.

The kids will keep fighting and we'll keep rolling along.  Thanks to everyone who has been following us, be good.

-Kendra and Clayton


  1. Kendra -
    Wanted to let you know that we have been keeping up with the babies and we are thinking about you all and praying for those little miracles!

    - Susie & Jessica McNamara, & Laura Wendell (visiting Jess in Louisiana!)

  2. K and C,
    Thank you for posting more pictures of your little miracles. And for blogging. I almost jump in excitement when one of my 328 refreshes of the webpage results in an update. :) I love you all. Im here. Always.

  3. Wow--these photos are great, and give us such a picture of how small they really are! The ring to arm ratio is unbelievable! And yet, though they're so small, they're growing every day, and I know they can sense all the love around them. You two look pretty good in those photos too--thought you'd look more tired after all those nights there, but as always, you look great--a first family photo, if you will!
    I'm with Piper--refreshing all the time to see updates :) So many people--people you don't even know, but who I've shared it with--are asking about you and praying.
    Love, Sarah

  4. Amazing pictures. They are precious.
    We will keep praying and Love checking the
    Blog several times daily. So thankful to
    Be kept up to date. Hugs & kisses to you all!

  5. Congrats on your baby niece was born just over 2 pounds 28 years ago, we remember how scarey, and how wonderful....each of their team of care providers are an extension of God's hands....Keagan and CJ have already given the world so much, to focus on what, family and love.....and taking life by storm! What blessings! We are praying your nuggets continue to grow stronger every day.....Tom and Debbie

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