Tuesday, December 20, 2011

17 months (8+9 months in one fabulous blog)

It has been 2 months since we've blogged and I do apologize to those of you who are still checking this site and have been anxiously waiting an 8 month post. Here it is! A month late BUT the 9 month post is right on time-pretty good, right?!? I need to have a day off school every time CJ and Keagan hit a month milestone.

I just had to look back at our 7 month blog so I could remember what it was that we were doing two months ago and it is AMAZING how things have changed in such a short time.

  • CJ and Keagan are now eating three meals a day! Once we tried cereal again (2 months ago) it went much better and it quickly progressed to adding fruits and veggies. We are making our own baby food (with the help of Grammie and Mamaw)! So far we have tried and enjoyed: sweet potatoes, squash, avocados, broccoli, bananas, apples, peaches, and prunes. We also eat green beans and carrots but we have to be a little sneaky and combine these with other foods. The doctor told us that we can start adding in protein (yogurt, turkey, chicken) but we (Mom and Dad) aren't quite ready yet-this is all happening so fast...so, we'll fill you in with how that goes in the next post.
  • We were evaluated again by our early intervention team and both kids have now qualified to receive physical and occupational therapy. When they were first evaluated 5 months ago, they didn't need any interventions but they now both a little help for totally different reasons....
    • Keagan: She is stiff as a board-if you look at her laying on the ground, most of the time it looks like she is in "plank" position (legs stiff-feet lifted a few inches off the ground). The same thing goes for when you pick her up-she is always super rigid. Also, she still has some reflexes of a much younger baby (about 3 months old).
    • CJ: I call him my "love lump." He is just totally happy laying down or snuggling. He doesn't have much interest in putting weight on his legs or reaching for things. He IS rolling over from tummy to back (but I think he only figured it out because it gets him out of tummy time which he does NOT like). The good news is that the therapists that evaluated him said that he isn't doing a bunch, but what he is doing, he does very well! Apparently, Clayton Eric was a very lazy baby so we are hoping it is more genetic than anything else...only time will tell.
    • We haven't had any sessions yet with the therapists so it will be interesting to see what they do to help with these issues. We do know that both babies need to get stronger so I keep envisioning them lifting weights :) 
  • We saw a neurosurgeon from Children's Memorial last week to follow-up on our NICU stay. It went well and she said that from the physical exam both kids are pretty much doing what she would want to see them doing at this age-yay! We will be getting an MRI for each baby next month to get a really clear look at their brains. We knew this was coming but it still will be a bit tough...they will do it downtown at Children's and CJ and Keagan will have to be sedated. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that things go smoothly. 

I haven't had to write this much is long time! That isn't everything but I'm ready to start the pictures now so anything I haven't included will be in captions. I'll do the 8 months pics first then do some more updates with the pics from today!
8 months old

FORMER WOMBMATES (say it out loud)
I found these when shortly after I found out we were having twins and was super excited that they finally fit! 

Moo cows-1st Halloween! 

And now the 9 month pics:...a day in the life of Keagan and CJ
(pink sticker=Keagan  blue sticker=CJ)

I'm getting so big-over 16 lbs. and finally on the the 8 month growth chart in the 5th%!

I'm still big :) I weigh about 21 lbs. now and am in the the 75th% for 8 month olds! I am a preemie phenomena-seriously.
I sit on my own for a few seconds at a time!
I stand too!!

I can also sit up but need a little more help from the boppy pillow still. 
We EAT-it seems like ALL the time...
We like to put everything in our mouths-including each others limbs.

We continue to laugh and entertain everyone who hangs out with us!
We hope that you all have fantastic holiday with your family and friends.